Erap's Application Form
Once Erap was filling up an application form for a job. He promptly filled the columns titled NAME, AGE, ADDRESS etc. Then he the column SEX. He was not sure as to what to be filled there. After much thought he wrote THRICE A WEEK. On seeing this in his application. form, he was told that it was wrong and what they wanted it to be filled was either MALE or FEMALE.
Again Erap thought for a long time before coming up with the answer PREFERABLY FEMALES.
Another time, Erap was filling up an application form with FVR and Cory. FVR was seated to Erap's left, and Cory was seated to his right. When he got to the part that asked about SEX, Erap looked to his left to peek at FVR's form. FVR had written "M". Then Erap took a look at Cory's application form. She had written "F".
Now Erap knew what to write. He wrote "W".